Who are we ? 🙂

Aurélien PERROT

As a student in bi-diploma engineering school and master of chemistry, I initiated the Speasly project with the ambition to become a French alternative to existing messaging applications. To achieve this, the application brings many innovations and a better respect of privacy while preserving the comfort of use. The idea of the project goes back several years, but I only initiated it in March, taking advantage of the time freed by the containment, the main idea of the application is to allow our users to facilitate their conversations and meetings in order to achieve lasting and qualitative social relationships while avoiding the biases currently found in modern social networks that could be described as egocentric drift. I am also committed to strong values such as respect for privacy and access to knowledge for all and I make sure that this is reflected in the application.

Alexandre OLIVES

Long before my graduation I was already thinking about setting up a start-up with the aim of expressing the full potential of my skills and creativity while having the most beneficial impact on society. I already had many projects but all of them were too complex for a first experience alone in entrepreneurship. Speasly was a realistic project, sufficiently innovative, capable of improving daily life and uniting people while allowing my artificial intelligence skills to express themselves. Moreover, I enjoy sharing this project with Aurélien, a long time friend.

Together we share the idea that social networks should have been less based on superficial appearances and individual frustrations and much more about people’s ability to really get along and appreciate each other. That’s why we base Speasly on common interests, anonymity and of course conversation.